Helen Million • Dec 08, 2022

The Ten Golden Rules of Personal Style

Fashion - it's a love-hate thing. On the one hand, we love the way a killer outfit makes us feel - confident, put-together, and ready to take on the world. But on the other hand, the process of actually putting that outfit together can be a total drag. Trends come and go, it's hard to figure out what looks good on you, and it takes time and effort to put together a stylish ensemble. But fear not, fashionistas - We've got your back! Read on for 10 golden rules of personal style that will help you simplify your wardrobe and build a collection of clothes that you love.

Here are 10 golden rules of personal style to live by:

  1. Invest in quality basics. A well-made pair of jeans, a cozy cashmere sweater, and a reliable pair of black leggings will take you far. These pieces will never go out of style and can be mixed and matched with almost anything.
  2. When in doubt, stick to a neutral color palette. Black, white, navy, and gray are your best friends. These shades are easy to work with and always look chic.
  3. Accessorize wisely. A great handbag, a stylish scarf, or a beautiful piece of jewelry can elevate any outfit. Just be careful not to overdo it - less is always more when it comes to accessories.
  4. Dress for your body type. Not every trend is going to look great on you. It's important to dress in a way that flatters your figure, not in a way that makes you self-conscious.
  5. Know when to splurge and when to save. It's important to invest in quality pieces that will last for years to come. But there's no need to break the bank on every item in your closet - cheap doesn't always mean tacky!
  6. Get rid of anything that doesn't fit or that you never wear. A cluttered closet full of clothes you never wear is not only frustrating - it's also a waste of space! Be ruthless when purging your closet, and only keep the items that make you feel confident and stylish.
  7. Stay away from anything too trendy or flashy - those pieces will only end up collecting dust in the back of your closet a few months down the road anyway! Instead, focus on building a timeless wardrobe full of classic pieces that you'll love for years to come.
  8. Pay attention to detail - it really does matter! Make sure your clothes are well-tailored and that your shoes are polished (or at least clean!). A little bit of effort goes a long way when it comes to personal style!
  9. Don't take yourself too seriously! Fashion should be fun - if you're not enjoying it, then something's wrong! Experiment with different styles and trends until you find something that feels right for you.
  10. Remember that confidence is key! The most important thing is that YOU feel good in what YOU'RE wearing. If you walk into a room feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin, you'll look fabulous no matter what you're wearing!

There you have it!

By following these simple rules, you'll be well on your way to building a wardrobe that you love. Happy styling, ladies!


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